1998 AAMG Annual Conference
Riding the Waves of Change
Sunday May 10, 1998
Fowler Museum and Armand Hammer Museum
University of California, Los Angeles
8:00 a.m.
Board bus at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel
8:30 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 am
Opening Remarks and Introductions
Peter Tirrell, ACUMG President, Associate Director, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Ann Harlow, Conference Co-chair, Former Director, Hearst Art Gallery, St. Mary’s College
Doran Ross, Director, UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History
Les Reker, Conference Co-chair, Director, Payne Gallery of Moravian College
Keynote Address:
Judith H. O’Toole, Executive Director, Westmoreland Museum of American Art
10:30 am
10:45 am
I. Changes in Information Technology: Campus Museums in the Vanguard
II. Major Donors and Change
12:00 pm
1. Major Donors and Change (continued)
2. Coping with the Revolving Door of College Administration
3. The “Culture Wars” and Academic Freedom
4. You Think You Gallery Is Small? Maximal Impact With Minimal Resources
5. The Role of the Museum Educator in an Institution of Higher Education
6. Education Administrators and Trustees
7. Increasing Self-Motivated Student Visitation
8. Dealing with Budget Cuts
1:00 pm
Free time to continue discussions and / or see the current Fowler Museum exhibitions and Franklin Murphy Sculpture Garden
2:00 pm
I. Transitions Between the Academic and Private Sectors
II. Balancing Acts: Donors, Development Offices and Museum Standards
3:00 pm
3:10 pm
Reports and Discussion
4:00 pm
Bus to the Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Center and The Grunwald Center for The Graphic Arts
4:30 pm
Welcome and remarks
by Henry Hopkins, Director, UCLA at the Armand Hammer Museum of Art, and David Rodes, Director, Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts
4:45 pm
Reception and behind-the-scenes tours
6:00 pm
Board bus to return to the Westin Bonaventure Hotel or carpool to Santa Monica for a walk on the beach and no-host dinner