2002 AAMG Annual Conference

Issues of Governance in College and University Museums and Galleries

Saturday May 11, 2002
Meadows Museum
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX

Conference Agenda

8:00 a.m.
Board Buses, Hyatt Regency Hotel, 300 Reunion Blvd.

9:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:30 am
Welcome and Introductions
Les Reker, President, Association of College and University Museums and Galleries

9:45 am
The New Meadows Museum: An Evolution
Representative of the Meadows Museum
Remarks on Governance: College and University Museums

10:30 am
AAM Accreditation and the University Museum Structure
Jill Hartz, Director, University of Virginia Art Museum, Charlottesville, Virginia and Julie Hart, Assistant Director, AAM Accreditation

11:15 am

11:30 am
When Bad Things Happen To Good University Museums
Bonnie G. Kelm, Ph.D., Director and Associate Professor of Art and Art History,
Muscarelle Museum of Art, The College of William and Mary, Virginia

12:30 pm
Lunch at the Gates Restaurant

1:45 pm
Museum Assessment Program: Addressing Governance and The Governance
Component of the Accreditation Process
Karen Topping, Peer Reviewer Manager, Museum Advancement & Excellence, American Association of Museums Representative of AAM, Museum Advancement & Excellence Division

2:30 pm
Roundtable Discussions
Conference attendees break up into 4 – 5 groups to Discuss issues of governance – problems and solutions

3:30 pm
Meadows Museum Galleries open for viewing

4:00 pm

5:00 pm
Board buses to convention center

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