2003 AAMG Annual Conference

To a Degree, or Can You Still Learn on the Job!

Saturday May 17, 2003
Museum Studies Programs in Academia
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Willamette University
Salem, OR

Conference Agenda

8:00 a.m.
Get on Bus at Portland Marriott Downtown, 1401 SW Naito Parkway

9:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:30 am
Lisa Hanover, President, ACUMG
Lee Pelton, President, Willamette University
John Olbrantz, Director, Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Stefan Sommer, Vice President, ACUMG

9:45 am
Academic Museum Training for a Brave New World
Carlo Lamagna, Chair, Committee on Museum Professional Training Chair, Dept. of Art and Art Professions, New York University

10:30 am
Coming of Age as Professionals
Marjorie Schwarzer, Chair, Department of Museum Studies, John F. Kennedy University

11:15 am

11:30 am
Preparing Museum Professionals for the Educational Museum
Kris Morrissey, Chair, Museums Studies, Michigan State University

12:15 pm
Lunch (Reed Opera House Catering)

1:15 pm
I. Grant Guidelines and Evaluation Standards for the Brave New Museum
Barbara H. Butler, past Program Director, Informal Science Education, National Science Foundation.
II. The State of Museum Studies: A Country Without Borders
Glenn Willumson, Director, Museum Studies Prog, Univ. of Florida

2:00 pm
I. Threading One?s Way Through the Minefields of Museum Mgt.
Michael Mares, Professor and past Director of the Sam Noble Oklahom a Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma
II. Beyond the Campus: The Community Outreach Approach to Museum Studies
Bren Martin, Associate Professor of History and Museum Studies, Middle Tennessee State University

2:45 pm
I. Managing Media and Technology: Training Museum Leaders for the 21st Century
Selma Thomas, Museum Media Editor, Curator: The Museum Journal
II. Building a Museum Studies Program: A case study
Peggy Doherty, Director, Northern Illinois Art Museum

3:30 pm

3:45 pm
“Bridge to the Future”: Panel and Community Discussion
Barbara Butler, Peggy Doherty, Michael Mares, Bren Martin, Kris Morrissey Marjorie Schwarzer, Selma Thomas, and Glenn Willumson

4:30 pm
Reception – Hallie Ford Museum of Art

6:00 pm
Farewell ’till next year!

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