2007 AAMG Annual Conference
Credibility, Culpability, and the Public Trust: Current Issues in University and College Museums
Saturday May 12, 2007
Mary & Leigh Block Museum of Art
40 Arts Circle
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-2410
Conference Agenda
Transportation via NWU bus departs from AAM Conference Hotel
Transportation via NWU bus departs from North Michigan Avenue (Tribute Building)
Registration, 1st floor lobby, Block Museum
Lisa Hanover, President
Lawrence Dumas, Provost of Northwestern University
Outline of Issues and Introduction of Keynote Speaker, David Robertson
Keynote Address: “The College Art Museum: Reflections on History and Mission”
Dr. Neil Harris, The Preston and Sterling Morton Professor of History and Art History, University of Chicago
Panel Session: “Keeping Collections in the Public Trust: Success Stories”
Moderator: Dan Mills
Jeff Chapman, Director of the McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, “How Collections Are Used ? A General Overview”
Rebecca Massie Lane, Director of the Sweet Briar College Art Galleries, “Academic Credibility, Relevancy, Indispensability: A Student Curatorial Project”
Marilyn Zeitlin, Director/Chief Curator, ASU Art Museum, “The Global Engagement Initiative” -or- “Multicultural Links to the Region: Southwestern, Latino, Latin American, and Art of the Americas.”
Buffet Luncheon, Allen Center, NWU
Panel Session, “Keeping Collections in the Public Trust: Issues, Strategies, Tools”
Julie Hart, Assistant Director, Accreditation Program, American Association of Museums, “Stewardship of Collections: The AAM Perspective”
Jill Hartz, Director, University of Virginia Museum, “Museum Quality Collections Not Owned by the Gallery/Museum”
Karol Lawson, Director, Maier Museum, Randolph Macon Woman’s College, “The Museum Under Threat: Positive Action Taken by the Museum Board, Volunteers, Alumni, and Staff Faced with Selling the Collection”
C. Michael Norton, Attorney-at-Law, Bone McAllester Norton PLLC, Nashville, “Legal Aspects of De-Accessioning of Art Works by a College or University”
Breakout Sessions [on these same themes]
Auditorium, Print Study Room, Classroom
[ACUMG Board Members will serve as facilitators/note-takers]
Reconvene, Auditorium
Tour of Galleries
Cocktail Reception, Lobby
First bus departs for hotels (North Michigan Avenue, Conference Center)
Second/last bus departs for hotels (North Michigan Avenue, Conference Center)