2008 AAMG Annual Conference

A Purposeful Discourse: Interdisciplinarity and the Empowerment of the University Museum

Saturday, April 26, 2008
University Museum
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO

The university museum can remain an indispensable component of the university�s mission and assert its role in the educational experience through interdisciplinary collaboration with diverse academic disciplines. This collaborative dialogue will broaden and deepen the academic experience for university students, unveil new meanings while respecting the integrity of the disciplines involved, and reaffirm the traditional expectations of the museum – investigation, inquiry, and intellectual challenge � by the university administration and faculty.

A detailed schedule and registration will be mailed in February 2008. Busses will be provided for the 1/2 hour ride from the Convention Center in Denver, Colorado

Conference and Annual Business Meeting & Luncheon Sponsored by

  • Freemans South Auction House, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Art International Resources LLC, Denver, Colorado
  • LDS Lighting Systems
  • M. Randall Ash & Associates, Fine Art Conservation, Denver, Colorado
  • Dry Creek Gold Leaf, Frame Conservation, Denver, Colorado

Conference Agenda

Transportation via bus departs from AAM Convention Center Or Conference Hotel

Registration, Paleo Hall, Henderson/University Museum
Coffee Service

Adjourn to Museum Collections (MCol) Auditorium (room W100)
Lisa Hanover, President
G.P. “Bud” Peterson, Chancellor, University of Colorado

Introduction of Keynote Speaker (TBD)

Concurrent Session I, MCol 155
“Thematic Approaches to Art Exhibitions and Their Programs”
Session Chair: David Robertson

Concurrent Session II, MCol 158
“Positioning University Museums at the Heart of Interdisciplinary Learning: Get Real!”
Session Participants: Wendy Bredehoft, Education Curator and Diane Panozzo, Master Teacher, University of Wyoming Art Museum,

Concurrent Session III, MCol 280

Luncheon, University Memorial Center

Ford Bell, President, AAM
Address: AAM Changing & Moving Forward (Tentative)

Break, Paleo Hall
Beverage Service (coffee, tea, water, sodas)

Concurrent Session I, MCol 155
“The University Art Museum: Laboratory, Archive, or Mausoleum”
Nancy Scott (Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Brandeis University)

Concurrent Session II, MCol 158
“Using Museums to Support Interdisciplinary Curriculum in Undergraduate Learning”
Carin Jacobs (formerly Education Curator, Magnes Museum, Berkeley)

Concurrent Session III, MCol 280
“The Space of Freedom: Apartment Exhibitions in Leningrad, 1964- 1986”
Elizabeth Schlatter (Deputy Director, University of Richmond Museums)

Collections Tours: Zoology/Vertebrates/Invertebrates/Paleontology, MCol (limited participation)

Blueprints/models of the Art Museum with Lisa Tamiris Becker (location to be determined)

Reconvene for Questions and Discussion, MCol Auditorium
(all panel participants and moderators)

Walk / Shuttle to Fiske Planetarium

Tour of “Science on a Sphere,” Fiske Planetarium
Cocktail Reception, Lobby

First bus departs for Conference Hotel

Second/last bus departs for Conference Hotel

Download Registration Brochure

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