2014 AAMG Annual Conference
Moving the Needle: Academic Museums and Galleries Innovating the Future
In conjunction with the University of Washington
Hotel Deca
Seattle, Washington
Friday – Sunday – May 16-18, 2014
Advance Registration now closed.
A small number may register at the conference, subject to availability
Colleges and universities are centers of innovation and known for many scientific, medical, technological and cultural advances. In a broad array of fields, such as curricular integration, education, visual literacy, on and off campus constituency support, international collaboration, and beyond, we are redefining the role academic museums or galleries play on their campuses. These new, more efficient, and more impactful techniques for achieving our goals, when shared, assist our colleagues from around the world to more effectively fulfill their missions. Museum professionals know that academic museums and galleries are vital centers of original research, interdisciplinary dialogue, and participatory learning. We invite you to participate in this year’s conference where exemplary professionals inspire us with new ways of truly pushing the envelope of our field.
Conference Agenda
Friday Night Welcome Reception and Pecha Kucha Throwdown!
AAMG will be collaborating with the Seattle chapter of Pecha Kucha to introduce this new format into the conference experience. Have a drink with your colleagues and enjoy the fast paced Pecha Kucha presentation – 20 images x 20 seconds – by leaders from around the country sharing passion, thoughts, creative processes, research projects, and inspiration.
Sunday Morning Workshops!
Provenance Workshop, Cosponsored by AAMD and AAM
The workshop will review best practices for conducting provenance research in art museums, with a focus on Nazi-era provenance as well as some issues pertaining to antiquities and cultural property. The session is geared to all levels of experience and can serve as a how-to and a refresher. The workshop leaders will discuss due diligence and the acquisition process, online research tools, and the handling of restitution claims. The workshop is limited to 50 participants; ample time will be allotted for Q and A. The workshop will be directed by Victoria Reed, Curator for Provenance, Fine Arts Museum, Boston and Nancy Yeide, Head, Department of Curatorial Records, National Gallery of Art. Each participant will receive a copy of Beyond the Dreams of Avarice: the Hermann Goering Collection, which is the first biography to focus on Goering’s personal collection and providing the first opportunity since the war to look at the collection as a whole and evaluate its place within art collecting and politics. This carefully documented volume is critical to the clarification of provenances of the objects featured and brings to light pictures whose histories and whereabouts have been hidden for decades.
Bootcamp for Academic Museums
We will also offer a “Bootcamp for Academic Museums.” This is aimed at directors, curators, and educators, collections managers, communications managers, and development officers — in fact, for all professionals who find themselves either for the first time working in an academic museum/gallery or are in need of new strategies for working within this environment. Over a three hour period, we’ll cover a range of topics, including governance and advisory boards, the student audience, curricular support, budgets and fund raising, and town-gown challenges.
Due to popular demand, AAMG will include a resume review in which seasoned academic museums and gallery leaders assist those who are looking to enter the field or change positions to put their best foot forward. This is a great benefit for students and graduates to get an edge in a highly competitive field.