$1,000 AAMG Conference Scholarships Now Available

Dear colleagues,
Please share with interested undergraduate and graduate students at your institution. Students need not be presenters to apply. Questions? Please contact Jamaal Sheats at jsheats@fisk.edu


AAMG Conference Committee

Students: AAMG is pleased to provide a limited number of $1,000 student scholarships to attend the AAMG Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN. Interested undergraduate or graduate students should submit a letter of interest to Jamaal Sheats at jsheats@fisk.edu by April 6, 2019.

The application letter should address:

  1. Are you presenting?
  2. Are you a first-time conference attendee?
  3. Describe your expectations for the AAMG 2019 conference and the impact your participation will have on you and your career goals.
  4. How will your participation in AAMG 2019 add value to the conference?

In exchange for financial support, recipients agree to submit a 300 word editorial related to the conference by July 15, 2019 to jsheats@fisk.edu.

Categories: Annual Conference