Professional Resources

Through its Annual Conference, workshops, and affiliate partnerships, AAMG furthers its mission and strengthens museums, galleries, and collections at academic institutions across the country. Our regional and state representatives are dedicated to furthering educational opportunities for all our members at state and regional conferences and annual meetings.

State and Regional Representatives:

AAMG elects both state-level and regional-level representatives to connect with AAMG peers at a local level. State and regional events, workshops, and meetings take place each year and are organized by your representatives. Contact your state and regional representatives to learn more about programming and volunteer opportunities.

Job Postings:

Current members can have their gallery/museum job postings added to the AAMG website at no charge. Please email the job description to: aacademicmg[at]gmail[dot]com. To share with the AAMG listserv, send an email along with the job description in the body text to: