AAMG 2025 – UNM Albuquerque
Mark your calendars – registration opens mid-February – schedule releases end of February. If you submitted a proposal you should hear back mid-February.

Looking to Sponsor?
Lock in your sponsor rate now!
Thank you to Bloomberg Connects for being this year’s Keynote Sponsor!
- Opportunity to give a 3-5 minute presentation at the beginning of our keynote presentation (prior to introduction of keynote) (Right now, scheduled to take place on June 24th, early evening)
- Logo listed as lead sponsor on sponsorship page on conference website
- Three complimentary conference registrations (up to $1305 in value)
- Electronic delegate bag insert-two page spread (2 – 8 ½ X 11 pages) this will be a packet of pdfs that will be emailed to conference registrants at the beginning of the conference
- Booth in high traffic area of conference setting
- Logo on daily schedule program printing (listed as lead sponsor)
- Logo on AAMG website sponsor page (the AAMG website sponsor page will be a standing page that will be on the AAMG site for the next year)
- Recognition before each session on individual slide (we’ll run slides of sponsor logos before each of the sessions over the entire conference)
- Complimentary one-year AAMG corporate or institutional membership ($550 value)
Thank you to the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation for their generous support as one of our Diamond Level Sponsors.
- Opportunity to present (up to 10 min) during lunchtime one day of conference, in largest lunch space, open to all attendees of the conference and listed in the conference schedule
- Logo listed on general sponsorship page on conference website (one Diamond sponsor per line)
- Two complimentary conference registrations (up to $870 value)
- Electronic delegate bag insert-two page spread (2 – 8 ½ X 11 pages) this will be a packet of pdfs that will be sent to conference registrants at the beginning of the conference
- Booth in high traffic area of conference setting
- Logo on daily schedule program printing (two per line)
- Logo on AAMG website sponsor page (the AAMG website sponsor page will be a standing page that will be on the AAMG site for the next year)
- Recognition before each session on individual slide (we’ll run slides of sponsor logos before each of the sessions over the entire conference)
- Complimentary one-year AAMG corporate or institutional membership ($550 value)
- Opportunity to supply the lanyards for every registrant of the conference OR have logo included on name badges for every registrant of the conference
- Logo listed on general sponsorship page on conference website (two Platinum sponsors per line)
- Two complimentary conference registrations (up to $870 value)
- Electronic delegate bag insert one page spread (8 ½ X 11 page) this will be a packet of pdfs that will be sent to conference registrants at the beginning of the conference
- Booth in high traffic area of conference setting
- Logo on daily schedule program printing (two per line)
- Logo on AAMG website sponsor page (the AAMG website sponsor page will be a standing page that will be on the AAMG site for the next year)
- Recognition before each session on slide (up to two Platinum sponsor logos per slide) (we’ll run slides of sponsor logos before each of the sessions over the entire conference)
- Opportunity to be listed as one of the coffee break sponsors (signage on site at coffee station and listing in conference schedule)
- Logo listed on general sponsorship page on conference website (up to three Gold sponsors per line)
- One complimentary conference registration (up to $435 value)
- Booth in high traffic area of conference setting
- Electronic delegate bag insert (1/2 page) this will be a packet of pdfs that will be sent to conference registrants at the beginning of the conference
- Logo on AAMG website sponsor page (up to four Gold sponsor logos per line) (the AAMG website sponsor page will be a standing page that will be on the AAMG site for the next year)
- Recognition before each session on slide (up to four Gold sponsor logos per slide) (we’ll run slides of sponsor logos before each of the sessions over the entire conference)
- Logo listed on general sponsorship page on conference website (up to six Silver sponsors per line)
- One complimentary conference registration (up to $435 value)
- Booth in high traffic area of conference setting
- Electronic delegate bag insert (1/4 page) this will be a packet of pdfs that will be sent to conference registrants at the beginning of the conference
- Logo on AAMG website sponsor page (up to six Silver sponsor logos per line) (the AAMG website sponsor page will be a standing page that will be on the AAMG site for the next year)
- Recognition before each session on slide (up to six Silver sponsor logos per slide) (we’ll run slides of sponsor logos before each of the sessions over the entire conference)
- Complimentary one-year AAMG corporate or institutional membership ($550 value)
- Logo listed on general sponsorship page on conference website (up to eight Bronze sponsors per line)
- One complimentary conference registration (up to $435 value)
- Logo on AAMG website sponsor page (up to eight Bronze sponsor logos per line) (the AAMG website sponsor page will be a standing page that will be on the AAMG site for the next year)
- Recognition before each session on slide (up to eight Bronze sponsor logos per slide) (we’ll run slides of sponsor logos before each of the sessions over the entire conference)