Dear colleagues,

This year’s AAMG Annual Conference at the University of Minnesota invites you to reflect upon our relevance to parent institutions and local communities. Can we effectively bridge increasingly polarized values and priorities among our broad constituencies and still fulfill our mission and core values?  How do we mentor students in the digital age? And what can we do to transform our institutions to reflect shifting demographics, financial challenges, and new learning methodologies?

We hope you will consider joining over 300 of your academic museum colleagues this summer for our 2-1/2 day conference program. Early bird registration, the conference program, as well as hotel and travel information, can be found on our website under the “Annual Conference” menu.

Please note: AAMG institutional and individual members will need to login with their username and password to be eligible for the $280 early bird rate. The special member rate is available now through April 15. If you have difficulty with logging in to your account, click here to reset your password or contact

See you this summer in Minneapolis!

AAMG Annual Conference Committee

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