Dear colleagues,

The recent joint meeting of AAMG and UMAC at the University of Miami (June 21-24, 2018) was a historic occasion. AAMG is the largest national academic museums organization and the global community of UMAC is one of the fastest growing International Committee of ICOM.

There were some wonderfully audacious ideas put forward at the conference. We would like to capture this in a joint AAMG – UMAC e-publication (University Museums and Collections Journal 11).

Anyone or any groups of people who have presented in any format at the conference are invited to submit an abstract for consideration.

We encourage multi-authored submissions and request that you incorporate aspects and viewpoints derived through reflection on the experience of presenting at the conference and the responses you received to your audacious ideas.

Your abstract (200-500 words) outlining what your paper will cover should be sent to:

Andrew Simpson, by October 12, 2018.

September 2018: Notification to authors to submit full paper
January 18, 2019: Full paper due
January-April 2019: Review process
May 2019: Publication


  1. Texts should present an original contribution with broad interest to the global community of university museums and collections.
  2. While case studies are acceptable, they must be framed within a broader international context and reflect on museum theory and/or relevant organization theory.
  3. Texts should be well written, in concise and well-structured English (US English). They should have a clear introduction, in-depth development and concluding remarks. Texts that are conversational in style will be rejected.
  4. Texts should have max. 10,000 words and conform to UMACJ Style Standards (to be sent separately to those authors who are invited to publish after assessment of the abstract).
  5. Titles should be clear, concise and informative.
  6. Reports of activities, merely descriptive texts of local interest will not be accepted – we recommend you consider publication through the “news” section of the UMAC website.

Selection Process

  • UMACJ11 will be edited by Andrew Simpson, Jill Hartz, and Barbara Rothermel.
  • Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by two external referees from an extended UMACJ Editorial Board and evaluated according to the selection criteria mentioned above.
  • Authors have a set time during 2019 to integrate the changes recommended by referees and editors.
  • The Editors’ decision regarding acceptance or rejection is final.

Please note:
UMAC is currently investigating ways to improve the quality of articles published in the journal and is working towards seeking recognition for the journal as the primary publication outlet for papers on museums and collections in higher education. You can assist us by preparing your submissions with the selection criteria clearly in mind and in accordance with the UMACJ Style Guide (to be circulated to selected authors after abstract review). Papers in UMACJ are generally between 5,000 and 10,000 words long.

UMACJ has an extensive history of publications on university museums and collections. Please consider referencing this material, if appropriate, in preparing your manuscripts for submission.

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