Your AAMG board would like to congratulate the following academic museums  and galleries who will be part of the inaugural class of the Small Museums Accreditation Academy:

  • Earth & Mineral Sciences Museum, Pennsylvania State University
  • Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, CUNY
  • J. Wayne Stark Galleries, J. Wayne Stark University
  • Mountain Heritage Center, Western Carolina University
  • Museum of Art , University of New Hampshire
  • University of Mississippi Museum and Historic Houses

Of the ten in this first cohort, six are academic museums and galleries.  The Academy is a new online AAM initiative, funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and assisted by an advisory panel of leaders in the museum field, aimed at preparing smaller institutions for the accreditation process.  The program combines live sessions, mentoring, and collaborative activities for staff and governing authority members. It is designed for high-performing organizations with five or fewer staff members that are striving to meet best practices and achieve accreditation. Applications for the 2017 class will open later this year and we encourage those of you in this category to consider applying.

Jill Hartz, Executive Director
President, Association of Academic Museums and Galleries

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