General Inquiries, Website Postings, Membership, Invoicing, and Sponsorships

Alexandra Chamberlain, AAMG Director of Operations

Mailing Address:

PO Box 634
Greencastle, IN 46135

Annual Conference

Arif Khan, Director, UNM Art Museum, University of New Mexico

Liz Crooks, Director, Pentacrest Museums, University of Iowa


Craig Hadley, Executive Director, Dennos Museum Center
Northwestern Michigan College

To reach any member of the AAMG Board of Directors, please email aacademicmg[at]gmail[dot]com and your request will be directed to the appropriate individual or committee.

Become an AAMG Member

Membership is your path to the best national professional development, networking, and advocacy for the academic museum and gallery field. Join us to learn, contribute, and be an active participant in our vibrant and diverse field.

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