Manuel Álvarez Bravo ▪ Raúl Anguano ▪ Julio Antonio ▪ Henry Bermudez ▪ Leda Catunda ▪ Carlos Cruz-Diez ▪ José Luis Cuevas ▪ Arturo Duclos ▪ Lucio Fontana ▪ Carlos Garaicoa ▪ Florencio Gelabert ▪ Alfred Jenson ▪ Nicolás de Jesús ▪ Wifredo Lam ▪ Eduardo Mac Entyre ▪ Teresa Margolles ▪ Maria Martínez-Cañas ▪ Roberto Matta ▪ Almir Mavignier ▪ José Clemente Orozco ▪ Marta María Perez Bravo ▪ Dulce Pinzón ▪ Betsabeé Romero ▪ Jesús Rafael Soto ▪ Gerardo Suter ▪ Rufino Tamayo ▪ Luis Tomasello ▪ Eugenia Vargas

Destination: Latin America offers a journey through twentieth- and twenty-first-century Latin American art. Drawn from the collection of the Neuberger Museum of Art, the exhibition is organized in five sections. The first includes work by artists affiliated with the artistic revolution that emerged after the Mexican Revolution; section two features sculpture and painting by key South American artists exploring color, form, space, and motion; section three features work by Caribbean and South American artists inspired by African art, Surrealism, and Magical Realism; section four addresses the challenges faced by artists living under the dictatorships of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, when most of South America was under military control; and section five concentrates on contemporary artists looking at themes of history, globalization, violence, and social criticism.

Destination: Latin America is organized by the Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, State University of New York, and curated by Patrice Giasson, the Alex Gordon Associate Curator of Art of the Americas, with the curatorial assistance of Marianelly Neumann, and research assistance by Annabel Rhodeen and Carmelita Diaz. Generous support for this exhibition has been provided by the Friends of the Neuberger Museum of Art and the Purchase College Foundation.

Destination: Latin America was recently featured on PBS NYC-ARTS.  To view the segment please follow this link:


Organizing Institution: Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, SUNY

Space Requirements: Approximately 5,000 square feet.

* The exhibition can be adapted for smaller spaces.

Special Requirements: Three 32” monitors and pedestals.

Works : 68 works, including sculptures, paintings, photographs and lithographs, from the Collection of the

Neuberger Museum of Art. The exhibition features works by 27 Latin American artists.

Tour Dates :  Available November 2017

Educational Support :  The Neuberger Museum will provide wall texts, extended  labels for each object, and artists’ quotes to be reproduced on walls. The exhibition will also travel with ephemeras and related artworks, including: a Pre-Columbian and an African sculpture, books, photographs, newspaper clips and three videos. The exhibition is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue.

For details about fees, estimated shipping and insurance, a checklist, and other information, please contact Patrice Giasson at

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