The William Paterson University Galleries is offering a traveling exhibition of significant paintings by Cuban-born artist Rafael Soriano (1920 – 2015), who is one of the major Latin American artists of his generation. Drawing on loans from the Rafael Soriano Foundation, Rafael Soriano: Cabezas is the first exhibit devoted to the artist’s important series of paintings of heads, which are steeped in metaphysical meaning.

Co-curated by WP Professor of Art Alejandro Anreus, this exhibit reveals the development of this body of work from early investigations in the late 1960s and 1970s through seminal works from the 1980s and 1990s. As noted by WP Professor Anreus, these artworks “express deep existential concerns regarding freedom, identity, and the desire to communicate with a sense of reality that is not simply material…Few depictions of the human head in the past thirty years achieve the rich pictorial density of these works, as well as their enigmatic philosophical probity.” This presentation of Soriano’s work will elucidate the origins and significance of the artist’s fascination with the mystical.

Basic Facts
Number of artworks: 21 paintings
Packing: all works are soft wrapped traveling in c-bins or cardboard slipcases
Space requirements: variable, but initially shown in a space measuring 1,250 square feet/ 165 linear feet
Costs: $2,500 plus pro-rated round-trip shipping
Tour Dates: 8 – 12-week presentation periods, summer 2019 – December 2020
Didactics: Introductory panel and object label text provided in digital format
Catalogue: 10 copies provided, additional copies available for purchase

For additional information, please contact:
Kristen Evangelista
William Paterson University Galleries
300 Pompton Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
(973) 720-2467

Download the complete exhibition prospectus here: Soriano prospectus

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