Become an AAMG Member

To register a new membership and pay online, follow the registration prompts below. Existing members can login to their accounts here and renew/upgrade their existing memberships.

Please contact Alexandra Chamberlain, AAMG Director of Operations, with any questions or concerns: (765) 630-7202 or aacademicmg[at]gmail[dot]com.

Questions on which tier is right for you? Find the definitions here:

*The staff sizes listed for Institutional Memberships reflect full-time AND part-time employees at your institution. Please take this into consideration when selecting the appropriate membership level*

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Become an AAMG Member

Membership is your path to the best national professional development, networking, and advocacy for the academic museum and gallery field. Join us to learn, contribute, and be an active participant in our vibrant and diverse field.

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